Thursday, November 19, 2009

Easy Pillowcase Instructions

Standard-sized pillowcase, you need:
¾ yard fabric for the pillowcase (red above) x 22 inches folded = 44 inches wide
¼ yard or 9 inches fabric for outer band (green above)
2 inches fabric for trim strip(gold above)

Queen-sized pillow case, you need:
7/8 yard fabric for the pillowcase x 22 inches folded = 44 inches wide
¼ yard or 9 inches fabric for outer band
2 inches fabric for trim strip

King-sized pillow case, you need:
1yard fabric for the pillowcase x 22 inches folded = 44 inches wide
¼ yard or 9 inches fabric for outer band
2 inches fabric for trim strip

1. Cut the salvage from all three pieces of fabric.
2. Fold trim piece in half to 1 inch wide, wrong sides together. Press.
3. Layer all three pieces of fabric, with raw edges together, in this order:

  1. Pillowcase fabric – right side up
  2. Folded trim strip – right side up
  3. Outer band – wrong side up

4. Pin raw edge of all three fabrics together.
5. Roll the length of the pillowcase fabric towards the pinned edge.
6. Wrap the outer band fabric around the gathered fabric.
7. Pin in with the fabrics pinned in step 4.
8. Line up the other edge of the band with the previous stitching and stitch a wide 1/4 inch seam.

9. Pull the pillowcase through the tube.
10. Press pillowcase, wrong sides together.
11. Pin wrong sides together.
12. Use a1/8 inch seam to sew the top and side closed.

13. Trim the corners.
14. Turn the pillowcase inside out.
15. Press pillowcase, right sides together.
16. Use a 1/2 or 3/8 inch seam to sew the top and side again, like in step 10.
17. Turn the pillowcase, right side out.
18. Press and admire your work.

Pillowcase Workshop

A Pillowcase workshop was held Saturday, October 24. The pillowcase is finished with French seams. One member makes pillowcases to coordinate with the quilts she makes. See the next post for instructions