In January, we work with Quarter Square Triangles to add the Hourglass or Pinwheel block to our group. Here are the instructions.
Background 2 7 1/4” squares (I usually cut a little larger 7 1/2”)
Fabric 3 on list 2 7 1/4” squares (I usually cut a little larger 7 1/2”)
Cut one of the Background squares and one of the Fabric 3 squares diagonally twice.
Draw a line diagonally across the other background square.
Traditional Method
1. Layout 4 of the triangles as shown.
2. With right sides together, sew top background triangle to right Fabric 3 triangle.
3. With right sides together, sew bottom background triangle to left Fabric 3 triangle.
4. Press toward Fabric 3.
5. With right sides together nuzzle the seams and sew ¼” seam along long side of triangles.
6. Press one direction.
7. Repeat steps 1 - 6.
8. You should have 2 quarter square triangles created the traditional way.
Speed Method
1. Pair the other background square with the other Fabric 3 square, right sides together.
2. Sew 1/4” on each side of the drawn line.
3. Cut on the drawn line.
4. Press toward Fabric 3.
5. Draw a line diagonally so it crosses the seam just sewn across one of the half square triangles just created.
6. Pair the two half square triangles just created, right sides together, nuzzling seams.
7. Sew 1/4” on each side of the drawn line.
8. Cut on the drawn line.
9. Press one direction.
10. You should have 2 quarter square triangles created the speed method way.
(If you cut your squares larger then you will need to trim the squares down to 6 ½” square)
Block assembly
1. Layout the 4 triangles out according to the picture of the block.
2. With right sides together sew the top two squares together.
3. With right sides together sew the bottom two squares together.
4. Press seams opposite.
5. With right sides together sew the top row to the bottom row (nuzzle seams).
6. Press seam one direction.
Block complete!