At the August Quilt Workshop, August 20, Paper Piecing is the topic.
Interwoven Diamonds is the block.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
June and July Blocks
The Quilt Workshop blocks for June and July were the:
Card Trick
Log Cabin
Next Workshop is August 20, 9 a.m. at the Madrid Public Library.
Card Trick
Log Cabin
Next Workshop is August 20, 9 a.m. at the Madrid Public Library.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Links to Patterns for April and May
Here are some links to take you to the block patterns from April and May:
April's block choices were the Bear Claw:
or Bear Tracks:
May's block was the classic Dresden Plate to work on applique:
We would love to have you join us on June 18th at the Madrid Public Library from 9:00 am to 12:00 when we make the Card Trick block. Come and go as you please, all skill levels are welcome!
April's block choices were the Bear Claw:
or Bear Tracks:
May's block was the classic Dresden Plate to work on applique:
We would love to have you join us on June 18th at the Madrid Public Library from 9:00 am to 12:00 when we make the Card Trick block. Come and go as you please, all skill levels are welcome!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
2011 Workshop Quilt Block List with Fabric Requirements

All colors are referenced to match the blocks – choose your colors as you wish
Background fabric - 1 1/2 yds...
Border fabric - 1 1/3 yds...
Sashing - 1/4 yd
Cornerstones - 1/8 yd
Pinwheel - Purple - 1/4 yd

Bear Paw - Brown - 1/4 yd

Appliqué - Dresden Plate - Light Blue 1/4 yd, Medimum Blue 1/4 yd

1/2-Square and 1/4-Square Triangles - Card Trick
Medimum Blue - 1/4 yd
Dark Blue - 1/4 yd
Medimum red - 1/4 yd
Dark red - 1/4 yd

Piecing - Log Cabin Block
Dark green - 1/8 yd
Medium green - 1/8 yd
Light green - 1/8 yd
Red - 1/8 yd

Paper Piecing - Airplane
Brown - scrap
Light purple - 1/8 yd
Dark purple - 1/8 yd

Angles - Pineapple
Gold - 1/8 yd
Dark yellow - 1/8 yd
Light yellow - 1/8 yd
Dark green - 1/8 yd

Curves - Drunkard's Path
Blue - 1/4 yd

English Paper Piecing - Snowflake Original Block
Yellow - 1/8 yd
Red - 1/8 yd

March 2011 Workshop - Pin Wheel
Fabric 1 2 – 7” squares
Fabric 2 2 – 7” squares
1 – Match Fabric 1 squares with Fabric 2 squares with right sides together.
2 – Draw a line diagonally from corner to corner across the squares.
3 – Sew ¼” on each side of the drawn diagonal line.
4 – Cut diagonally on the drawn line. This makes a half-square triangle.
5 – Press toward the darker fabric.
6 – Trim half-square triangles to 6 ½”.
7 – Lay out all 4 half-square triangles according to the picture.
8 – With right sides together, sew the top 2 squares.
9 – With right sides together, sew the bottom 2 squares.
10 – Press seams in opposite directions.
11 – With right sides together, sew the top row to the bottom row, nestling the center seams.
12 – Press seam in one direction.
Fabric 2 2 – 7” squares
1 – Match Fabric 1 squares with Fabric 2 squares with right sides together.
2 – Draw a line diagonally from corner to corner across the squares.
3 – Sew ¼” on each side of the drawn diagonal line.
4 – Cut diagonally on the drawn line. This makes a half-square triangle.
5 – Press toward the darker fabric.
6 – Trim half-square triangles to 6 ½”.
7 – Lay out all 4 half-square triangles according to the picture.
8 – With right sides together, sew the top 2 squares.
9 – With right sides together, sew the bottom 2 squares.
10 – Press seams in opposite directions.
11 – With right sides together, sew the top row to the bottom row, nestling the center seams.
12 – Press seam in one direction.

Friday, March 4, 2011
2011 Quilt Workshop Dates
Please join at the 2011 Quilt Workshops!
The Madrid Heritage Quilters offer monthly workshops where novice to expert quilters make quilt blocks. Come learn how to make a new block or one of your favorite traditional blocks. The 2011 workshops will be held at the Madrid Library from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm with lunch on your own:
March 19th - Pinwheel
April 23rd - Bear Paw
May 14th - Dresden Plate
June 18th - Card Trick
July 23rd - Log Cabin
August 20th - Airplane
September 17th - Pineapple
October 15th - Drunkard's Path
November 19th - Snowflake
Dec 17th and January 21, 2012 - Finishing
The Madrid Heritage Quilters offer monthly workshops where novice to expert quilters make quilt blocks. Come learn how to make a new block or one of your favorite traditional blocks. The 2011 workshops will be held at the Madrid Library from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm with lunch on your own:
March 19th - Pinwheel
April 23rd - Bear Paw
May 14th - Dresden Plate
June 18th - Card Trick
July 23rd - Log Cabin
August 20th - Airplane
September 17th - Pineapple
October 15th - Drunkard's Path
November 19th - Snowflake
Dec 17th and January 21, 2012 - Finishing
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Orange Peel Variation
Curved Piecing
Due to printing limitations, I had to print the templates to be used on the fold. You can use these templates to make the full-sized templates or to just cut your pieces from your fabric.
In the pattern, I used 4 different fabrics for the “Peels”, you can do these all out of the same fabric if you wish.
Double-click the pictures and print at 110% to get the pattern.
Background: 1 - 13 ½” square (for template F)
Fabric 19 1 - 4 ½” x 14 ½” (for template A)
Fabric 20 1 - 4 ½” x 14 ½” (for template A)
Fabric 21 1 - 4 ½” x 14 ½” (for template A)
Fabric 22 1 - 4 ½” x 14 ½” (for template A)
- Fold the background square in half both directions. Press.
- Leave the piece folded.
- Place template F in the corner where the center would be marked. Making sure that the fold lines are on the folds of the fabric. Pin in place.
- Cut out on the dotted lines of the template.
- Fold each of Fabrics 19 - 22 in half.
- Press.
- Leave the pieces folded.
- Place template A on the fold, making sure that the fold line of the template is on the fold of the fabric. Pin in place.
- Cut out on the dotted lines of the template. (repeat last two steps for each fabric piece.
Block Assembly
- Put a pin on the curve at the pressed line to mark center of each of your pieces and on all 4 sides of the background piece.
- With right sides together match the center pin of a “Peel” with the center pin on one of the sides of the background (center) piece.
- Pin together at the center point, at seam ends and liberally in between gently easing the edges as needed to align.
- Sew together the curved edges. (I find it easier to have the inner (concave) curve on the top while sewing, others find it easier to have the outer (convex) curve on the top while sewing.
- Clip into the seam allowance of the edge that curves in (concave) as needed, but do not cut into or beyond the seam lines. Do not clip the convex edge. (I generally clip both fabrics when clipping the curves)
- Press the seam allowance toward the piece that has the inner (concave) curve. (I generally press as I always do, toward the darker fabric)
- Repeat this process for the other 3 sides of the background (center) piece.
Grandmother's Flower Garden - 2010 Quilt Workshop Block

Grandmother’s Flower Garden
(English Paper Piecing)
1 - 13 ½” square Background Fabric
Fabric 16 (flower center) 1 - 3 ½” square
Fabric 17 (flower petals) 3 - 3 ½” squares
Fabric 18 (flower petals) 3 - 3 ½” squares
- Pin a paper template to one of the 3 ½” squares. Cut out around the template with a ¼” seam allowance. Your seam allowance does not have to be exact because the template will be an accurate guide.
- Place a template right side down on the wrong side of the fabric piece and fold the seam allowance over one edge. Beginning with a knot on the right side of the fabric, baste the seam allowance in place; stitch through the fabric and the paper template with ¼” long stitches. Finger press the basted edge.
- As you approach a corner, fold the seam allowance of the next edge over the template and continue stitching. Stitch all edges in the same manner. Don’t knot the thread as you finish, but do leave a thread tail of about ½” or so on the fabrics right side.
- Repeat steps 2 & 3 until all fabric pieces have been basted to paper templates.
- Place one of the flower petal fabric-covered template on top of the flower center fabric covered template, with right sides together, aligning the edges to be joined. Pin the pieces together at the center.
- With a single strand of quilting thread, begin stitching about 1/8” from one corner using tiny whipstitches and catching a thread of both fabric folds. You’ll feel the paper template with your needle, but do not stitch through the template.
- Backstitch to the nearest corner.
- Once you reach the corner, reverse the direction of your stitching and sew across the edges to the opposite corner. Take a backstitch, and knot the thread with the knot in the fabric using a backstitch loop knot.
- Lightly press open the joined pieces and check the seam from the right side. Stitches should not show. If they do, take smaller whipstitches through less of the fabric folds as you sew.
- Repeat steps 5 - 9 until all the petals have been attached to the center.
- Reposition so that 2 of the petal pieces are aligned (right sides together) and sew side seam in the same manner as before.
- Repeat step 11 until all petal side seams have been sewn.
- When all edges of the piece have been stitched to adjoining pieces, remove the paper template, pulling the basting threads and templates out from the block.
(Before I remove the pieces, I usually lightly press the flower with spray starch. This helps it keep it’s shape after the templates have been taken out)
Fold the background piece in half and press.. Fold the background piece in half the other way and press… This will mark center of the background for placement of the flower.
Place the flower in the center of the background piece. Pin in place and applique to the background. This can be done either by machine or by hand.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
The Madrid Heritage Quilters is excited to announce the 2011 Labor Day Quilt Show Youth Quilt Block Challenge
The Madrid Heritage Quilters have added a Youth Quilt Block Challenge to the annual Labor Day Quilt Show. This challenge will replace the Youth Category.
1. Open to youth 14 years and younger on or before September 1, 2011
2. Sign up and receive a packet with background fabric and the None Patch block pattern or the Friendship Star pattern.
3. At least 1/2 of the block must be made with the background fabric provided
4. Additional fabric will be provided by the participant. (Additional fabric will be available at sign-up)
5. Participants will bring the finished block to the 2011 Madrid Labor Day Quilt Show to be displayed.
6. Blocks will be divided into two categories, one for each type of block. Participants can enter one block in each category.
7. Blocks will be voted on by quilt show visitors.
8. The top two vote recipients in each category will receive a cash prize. Participants can only win in one category.
9. Blocks must be picked up by 4:00 pm on the day of the show. Remaining blocks will be used to construct a donation quilt.
Several workshops will be offered through the summer to help youth construct the blocks.
Opportunities for sign-up and packet pickup:
April 30, 2011, 10 am to 4 pm at the Trail Quilt Show
May 14, 2011, 8 am to 12 pm at the Quilt Workshop at the Madrid Library Meeting Room
June 18, 2011, 8 am to 12 pm at the Quilt Workshop at the Madrid Library Meeting Room
July 23, 2011, 8 am to 12 pm at the Quilt Workshop at the Madrid Library Meeting Room
Please call Melody Bethards at 515 795-2155 or Mary Carpenter at 515 795-3219 with questions.
Madrid Heritage Quilters donate to Community
Madrid Heritage Quilters Contribute to the 2011 Madrid Labor Day Celebration, Cedars, and Trail Project
During the January 19th Quilters monthly meeting, Mary Carpenter, president of the Madrid Heritage Quilters presented donations to three worthy entities. A representative of the Friends of Boone County Trail accepted a $50 donation. The representative shared the trail group plans to use the donation to help complete the Delander Trailhead in Madrid before the trail grand opening Saturday, April 30, 2011.
A representative of The Cedars accepted a $50 donation as well. The Quilters hold their monthly meetings at the Cedars. For the Quilters, having a consistent meeting place is helpful and the meetings are open to all visitors. Sometimes, residents at The Cedars drop in to see what we are up to. We love having visitors at our meetings.
Lastly, a representative of the Madrid Labor Day Celebration Commission accepted a donation of $400. The Madrid Heritage Quilters started twenty-seven years ago to recognize Madrid’s Centennial Anniversary. Since the group’s formation, they hand-make a quilt and raffle then quilt each year. The quilt is started in the fall and by January the quilt is being put together to create the quilt top. The raffle proceeds are split with about half paying for the materials for the next quilt and the other half donated to community groups.
The Madrid Heritage Quilters meet the first Saturday of every month 9 a.m., at The Cedars. If you have questions for the group, please contact Mary Carpenter, Chairperson.
During the January 19th Quilters monthly meeting, Mary Carpenter, president of the Madrid Heritage Quilters presented donations to three worthy entities. A representative of the Friends of Boone County Trail accepted a $50 donation. The representative shared the trail group plans to use the donation to help complete the Delander Trailhead in Madrid before the trail grand opening Saturday, April 30, 2011.
A representative of The Cedars accepted a $50 donation as well. The Quilters hold their monthly meetings at the Cedars. For the Quilters, having a consistent meeting place is helpful and the meetings are open to all visitors. Sometimes, residents at The Cedars drop in to see what we are up to. We love having visitors at our meetings.
Lastly, a representative of the Madrid Labor Day Celebration Commission accepted a donation of $400. The Madrid Heritage Quilters started twenty-seven years ago to recognize Madrid’s Centennial Anniversary. Since the group’s formation, they hand-make a quilt and raffle then quilt each year. The quilt is started in the fall and by January the quilt is being put together to create the quilt top. The raffle proceeds are split with about half paying for the materials for the next quilt and the other half donated to community groups.
The Madrid Heritage Quilters meet the first Saturday of every month 9 a.m., at The Cedars. If you have questions for the group, please contact Mary Carpenter, Chairperson.
Madrid Heritage Quilters Working Hard on 2011 Labor Day Quilt
The 2011 quilt, designed by Chris Bell, is right on schedule. Pinwheel blocks were completed for the January meeting. The blocks were sewn into columns to create the bulk of the quilt top. At the February meeting, members will sew the columns together, creating the quilt top. Other members will begin working on cornerstone blocks and the borders by appliquéing leaves and vines. Look for the quilt to be displayed around Madrid and plan to buy lots of raffle tickets.
The Madrid Heritage Quilters meet the first Saturday of every month 9 a.m., at The Cedars. If you have questions for the group, please contact Mary Carpenter, Chairperson.
The Madrid Heritage Quilters meet the first Saturday of every month 9 a.m., at The Cedars. If you have questions for the group, please contact Mary Carpenter, Chairperson.
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