Tuesday, December 29, 2009

January 2010 Quilt Workshop - Hourglass - Pinwheel Block

In January, we work with Quarter Square Triangles to add the Hourglass or Pinwheel block to our group. Here are the instructions.

Background 2 7 1/4” squares (I usually cut a little larger 7 1/2”)
Fabric 3 on list 2 7 1/4” squares (I usually cut a little larger 7 1/2”)

Cut one of the Background squares and one of the Fabric 3 squares diagonally twice.
Draw a line diagonally across the other background square.

Traditional Method
1. Layout 4 of the triangles as shown.

2. With right sides together, sew top background triangle to right Fabric 3 triangle.
3. With right sides together, sew bottom background triangle to left Fabric 3 triangle.
4. Press toward Fabric 3.
5. With right sides together nuzzle the seams and sew ¼” seam along long side of triangles.
6. Press one direction.
7. Repeat steps 1 - 6.
8. You should have 2 quarter square triangles created the traditional way.

Speed Method
1. Pair the other background square with the other Fabric 3 square, right sides together.
2. Sew 1/4” on each side of the drawn line.
3. Cut on the drawn line.
4. Press toward Fabric 3.
5. Draw a line diagonally so it crosses the seam just sewn across one of the half square triangles just created.
6. Pair the two half square triangles just created, right sides together, nuzzling seams.
7. Sew 1/4” on each side of the drawn line.
8. Cut on the drawn line.
9. Press one direction.
10. You should have 2 quarter square triangles created the speed method way.
(If you cut your squares larger then you will need to trim the squares down to 6 ½” square)

Block assembly
1. Layout the 4 triangles out according to the picture of the block.
2. With right sides together sew the top two squares together.
3. With right sides together sew the bottom two squares together.
4. Press seams opposite.
5. With right sides together sew the top row to the bottom row (nuzzle seams).
6. Press seam one direction.

Block complete!

Annual Donation Presented to City Council

For twenty-six consecutive years, the Madrid Heritage Quilters have donated a portion of their quilt raffle proceeds to the annual Labor Day Celebration. This year was no different. The Club President presented Madrid's Mayor with a check for $450 at the December 21,2009 City Council Meeting.

In addition to the donation, an update of the club's monthly workshop was shared. The club has grown by three members and had a dozen quilters at the December workshop. Also, the 2010 raffle quilt is underway! Look for information in this blog about the quilt.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Make a Quilt Class Schedule

Each month we make a block and learn and practice different techniques. If you miss a session, you can either take the directions and make the block away from the class or work on them after finishing the block for the particular class.

Straight piecing / 9-patch block
1/4" seam – string piece

Half Square Triangle (HST) / Friendship Star
Piece triangles method
2 Speed piecing methods
Formula for cutting size

Quarter Square Triangles (QST) / Hour Glasses/Pinwheel
Piece triangle method
Speed piecing method
Formula for cutting size

Piece Triangles / Flying Geese/Variable Star
Speed piecing (1 QST + 2 HST)

Strip Piecing \ Rail Fence / 9-patch
Making strip sets
Cross cutting

Paper Piecing / Which Way / 9-patch
Cutting oversized pieces – waste

Appliqué / Hearts Around
Needle turn method
Freezer Paper method

English Paper Piecing / Grandmother’s Flower Garden
Basting fabric to paper pieces
Stitching pieces together
Removing paper and pressing
Appliqué to background square

Curves \ Orange Peel Variation
Cutting templates, pieces
Curved piecing

Sashing, Corner Stones, and Borders / Construction of Quilt
Cutting and piecing sashings
Cutting and adding borders

Basting, hand, machine, and long-arm

Piecing binding, pressing binding, sewing binding to front of quilt
Sewing binding to back of quilt
Flat binding vs. Stuffed binding

Show and Tell Party
Bring your finished quilt to show and share with others
Refreshments provided

December 2009 - Friendship Star

Background 4 4 ½” squares
2 4 7/8” squares (I usually cut 5” squares)

Fabric 2 1 4 ½” square
2 4 7/8” squares (I usually cut 5” squares)

1. Cut 1 of the background 4 7/8” squares in half diagonally once.
2. Cut 1 of the Fabric 2 - 4 7/8” squares in half diagonally once.
3. Draw a line diagonally across the remaining background 4 7/8” square.

Triangle method:
a. Match a background triangle with a fabric 2 triangle.
b. Sew ¼” seam along the diagonal cut.
c. Press toward darker fabric.
d. Repeat with remaining triangles.
e. Trim squares to 4 ½” .

Speed Piece method:
a. Match the background 4 7/8” square with the fabric 2 - 4 7/8” square.
b. Sew ¼” seam on each side of the line drawn diagonally across the
background 4 7/8” square.
c. Cut diagonally on the drawn line.
d. Press toward darker fabric
e. Trim squares to 4 ½” .

4. Following the block picture layout all the 4 ½” squares.
5. Sew the block together as you did the 9-patch block.
(making sure the half-square triangles are going the right direction)

Block Complete!!!!

November 2009 - 9-Patch Block

Nine-Patch Block

Background - 4 4 ½” squares Fabric 1 - 5 4 ½” squares

1. Layout squares as in block
2. Starting at right side, match up each square along right side with the adjacent square of the middle column. Sew ¼” seam along one side of each of the 3 sets.
3. Press toward Fabric 1.
4. Place pressed units back in layout as in picture above.
5. Match each unit with the left most square of each row. Sew ¼” seam.
6. Press toward Fabric 1.
7. You will now have 3 rows. Lay the top row right-side down on top of the middle row.
8. Nestle the seams together and pin at the seams along the top. Sew ¼” seam.
9. Press toward middle row.
10. Lay the top row right-side down on top of middle row.
11. Nestle the seams together and pin at the seams. Sew ¼” seam.
12 Press toward middle row.

Block complete!

Make a Quilt Class hosted by the Madrid (Iowa) Heritage Quilters

Are you curious about quilting? Would you like to learn a different method to make quilt blocks? The Madrid Heritage Quilters are hosting a monthly class to share their knowledge about different quilt blocks, piecing and sewing techniques, and cutting strategies each month. At the conclusion of the classes, you’ll have a nine-block lap quilt.

The monthly class is the third Saturday of each month and held at the Madrid Public Library from 9 a.m. until noon. The cost is $2 a class for non-club members. If you miss a class, you can take block instructions with you to make that block, or work on different blocks after finishing the day’s block.

The quilt block schedule is November 21 – 9-Patch Block; December 19 – Friendship Star; January 16 – Hour Glasses or Pinwheel; February 20 – Variable Star; March 20 – Rail Fence; April 17 – Which Way; May 22 – Hearts Around; June 19 – Grandmother’s Flower Garden; and July 17 – Orange Peel Variation. To finish your lap quilt, on August 21 we work on sashings, corner stones, and boarders; on September 18 we discuss different quilting options; and the binding is discussed on October 16th. The November 20th class is set aside to show our work and share what we have learned!

Details about each session can be found here: madridheritagequilters.blogspot.com. Reservations are required to ensure we have enough supplies. Sewing machines and fabric are provided if you don't bring your own! Reserve your spot today by calling Chris Bell at (515) 795-3146 or (515) 657-2463 by the Thursday before class. Hope to see you at the classes!

The Madrid Heritage Quilters meet the first Saturday of every month. All levels of sewing and quilting skills are welcome! Please contact Chris Bell if you would like information about the Quilt Club.